Benchmarks & Client Cases

Energy Efficiencyin Food Industry


The Challenge


• Average water consumption of 0,12 m³ per tonne produced

• Average electricity consumption of 40,7 kWh per tonne produced

• Average gas consumption of 335,6 kWh per tonne produced

Root Causes

• Limited visibility of detailed information related to the consumption of steam, electricity and raw materials

• Lack of detailed information to enable the launch of effective countermeasures to correct deviations in equipment consumption

The solution

Condenser Recovery
Condenser Recovery
Daily countermeasure routine
Daily countermeasure routine

• Continuous in-line measurement of electricity, steam and raw material consumption. These measurements will serve as the basis for the costing model and parameterisation of products in the system

• Visibility of detailed consumption data in a visual format. This data is analysed as part of a daily routine which includes the definition of countermeasures

• Condenser recovery through maintenance and replacement of equipment and components

The Results

The project generated annual savings of £267,000 per year.

Electricity Consumption

Electricity Consumption

Electricity consumption reduced by 6%.

Natural Gas Consumption

Natural Gas Consumption

Natural gas consumption reduced by 8%.

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